Welcome Physicians! As your state professional organization, the Oregon Association of Naturopathic Physicians has organized and created a collection of Practice Management Resources for NDs to better their practice and business management. With recognition that 95% of ND academic training is on clinic based/patient focused conditions or illness, little time remains to adequately prepare practitioners to be business owners. The goal of our Practice Management guidance is to provide resources and content to support naturopathic physicians to help with the transition from student to working physician.
| 4Practice Tool Kit– A 40 page downloadable document that guides recent graduates. Includes information on licensure, setting up your business, mandatory reporting, insurance requirements and more! Free for members. MEMBERS ONLY ACCESS! |
| 4Intake and Clinic Form Templates – View and download sample intake, questionnaire, and other forms. Add your clinic logo and adjust as needed for your practice. Access to more than 20 templates including: New Patient Templates, HIPAA forms, Consent Forms, Telemedicine, etc. Free for members. MEMBERS ONLY ACCESS! |
| 4Video Library – On-demand presentations focused on business management and professional development content for Naturopathic Physicians. These generally do not qualify for CE are not CE accredited, unless otherwise noted. | | 4Oregon Physician Resources – Compilation of resources offered by external organizations for physicians practicing in Oregon. | |