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About the OANP

What is the OANP? 
The Oregon Association of Naturopathic Physicians was founded in 1909, and is the oldest association representing naturopathic doctors in North America. OANP is a non-profit, professional membership association representing Naturopathic Physicians (NDs) in the state of Oregon and supporting NDs all across the globe.

What is the Mission of the OANP?
The mission of the OANP is to support our members and improve the health of the public through the advancement of Naturopathic Medicine. We strive to serve the naturopathic profession and community through a commitment to excellence through legislative advocacy, continuing education, and public outreach.

Here's a snapshot of what OANP does:

  • Legislative Advocacy: The OANP represents the interests of its members before state legislative and federal government bodies. The OANP has an active presence in Salem among Oregon’s lawmakers as well as various Oregon government agencies. In order to promote the profession of Naturopathic Medicine, the OANP works to educate legislators, monitor legislation, and advocate for or defend against bills which affect the scope of practice of naturopathic physicians.

  • Continuing Education: Access to continuing education for naturopathic physicians and other health care professionals.

  • Public Outreach: The OANP provides education for the public about naturopathic medicine and connects the public to NDs through referrals to qualified member physicians.

OANP Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation

View OANP Bylaws

View OANP Articles of Incorporation


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10752 SE Highway 212, P526
Clackamas, OR 97015

Phone: 503-262-8586