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Learn about our previous years' work below.
2023 House Bill 2555 View on Oregon Legislative Information System
4. Stay tuned for more ways to help including participating in a virtual Lobby Days
Pay Parity Flyers Below are flyers that we have sent to legislators to communicate the benefits of paying NDs at parity. HB 2555 is the latest bill in 2023 that demands insurance pay parity for NDs with an independent practice.
SB 772 was at the Ways and Means Committee because the state of Oregon's self funded plans have also been paying NDs as little as half for the same health care services. Paying NDs fairly will add a very small increase to the cost of those plans and greatly benefit the state, patients, and the doctors.
OANP Legislative Advocacy Meetings and Guest Representatives We met with Rep. Nosse to gain insight and discuss insurance pay parity. Learn what you can do to help going forward.
Access all available Legislative Advocacy Meeting recordings below.
SB 772 HCC Hearing View the Testimony on SB 772 at the Senate Health Care Committee